Lovett’s Barnyard
This token gets its name from the engraver, George H. Lovett of New York City. This 70-year-old English immigrant die-maker made this token in favor of Lincoln and he included a humorous election prediction. Upon the split rail fence are 24 black birds, 7 roosters (6 on the top rail and one on the 2nd rail), and 1 squirrel. His prediction was 24 states were going to go to the Black Republicans, 7 states were going to go Democratic, the rooster being the traditional Democratic symbol of the time, (6 states strongly, hence crowing on the top rail loudly) and 1 state was simply going nuts trying to figure out which way to go. This token, known as DeWitt AL1860-25, was produced prior to Oregon being admitted to the Union. 33 states actually participated in the election not 32. The 32 states were represented on this token by the animals on the reverse and the stars around the beardless Lincoln on the obverse.
Aaron White Satirical Dollar
Aaron White, who was 63 years old at the start of the Civil War, created this piece. He was a Connecticut lawyer from the town of Thompson, Connecticut, near the Massachusetts and Rhode Island borders. He became a widower shortly after marriage and lived alone well into his 80’s. Aaron lived through the hard times of 1837 and 1857 and remembered the paper money issues of wildcat banks and private individuals. Knowing the fluctuations and the outright worthlessness of this paper money, he became concerned with the governments printing of greenbacks to finance the Civil War. Thinking the war would bankrupt the government thus making all the greenbacks worthless he created this satirical dollar reminding everyone of the problem with paper currency. So concerned was he with the worthlessness of paper money and believing in the value of hard money, that upon his death, it was discovered that he had hoarded 350 gold dollars, 100 silver dollars, 200 silver half dollars, 5,000 2-cent pieces, 60,000 large cents, 60,000 nickel cents, 250 Colonials, and more than 20,000 foreign coins. This satirical dollar can be found in three metals, Copper, Brass, and White metal.