The small 4 inch record was
the high tech way of getting Cals message across.
My other sound recordings
1 McKinley's Pan - American Address
2 Bryan's "The Labor Question"
3 Bryan's "Immortality"
4 Taft's "Labor and Its Rights"
5 TR's "Why the Trusts and Bosses Oppose the Progressive Party"
6 TR's "The Farmer and the Business Man"
7 Wilson on the Tariff
8 Wilson on Labor
9 FDR's "Americanism" 1920 The earliest known recording of FDR
10 Coolidge campaign talk see above
11 "Stevenson Speaks" AFL-CIO
12 "Stevenson telephones the Voter on Election Eve"
13 Message From Richard Nixon 1960 campaign
14 Salinger Speaks on California
15 Ronald Reagan to All Californians
16 1966 A message from 4 great Americans, Nixon, Romney, Dirkson, Eisenhower
17 Martin Luther King for E. McCarthy
18 Eugene McCarthy excerpts in the Peter, Paul, and Mary song "If You Love Your Country"
19 Nixon's The One with excerpts of acceptance speach 1968
20 Spiro T. Agnew Speaks Out
21 McGovern "Together We Can Win"
22 Frank Church's announcement speach
23 Connally "Wake Up, America"
24 Campaign 92 Clinton/Gore The Candidates Speak