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Who said the following?
"The people who cast the votes
don't decide an election, the people who count the votes do."
"Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others."
"Fleas can be taught nearly anything that a Congressman can."
"If everybody in this town connected with politics had to leave town because of chasing women
and drinking, you'd have no government."
"George Bush (Sr.) will lead us out of this recovery"
"I think the American public wants a solemn ass as president and I think I'll go along with them."
"You hear politics until you wish that both parties were smothered in their own gas."
"In politics stupidity is not a handicap."
"When things haven't gone well for you, call in a secretary or a staff man and chew him out. You will
sleep better and they will appreciate the attention."
"If elected I shall be thankful; if not, it will be all the same."